Journal de l'information de gestion et des sciences de la décision



The use of HASH-based algorithm calculation dependent on execution assessment framework to decide understudy fulfillment with educating staff

Prehanto, D.R., Permadi, G.S., & Indriyanti, A.D.

Evaluation of satisfaction is an act of assessing the performance of teaching staff in carrying out their duties or responsibilities and being able to meet predetermined expectations. This study aims to build a system of student satisfaction on the performance of teaching staff and implement a hash based algorithm to help process the satisfaction evaluation assessment. The hash based algorithm generates information for the next iteration in the current iteration, so that it can efficiently generate large itemset and can be a solution in determining the frequent itemset from candidate itemset optimally. In this study, the data is processed using a hash-based algorithm in order to obtain results in the form of frequent itemsets that are useful in forming association rules. From the results of the formation of these association rules, it can be analyzed the assessment pattern of the teaching staff, in order to be a morale booster, or improve the quality of the teaching staff. The results showed that the index of the level of student satisfaction on the performance of teaching staff in the information system design course ranged from 54% to 100%. This means that students are satisfied at the moderate to very good level.
