Journal de l'éducation à l'entrepreneuriat



Entrepreneurship in the Field of Art Business in the European Union

Mykhailo Poplavskyi

The research of diversification of the export profile of the creative section entrepreneurship in the field of art business of the EU countries, which is implemented on the basis of methods of multiple cluster analysis (cluster dendograms, K-means) and which is allowed to identify six groups (clusters) of EU countries. The average profile of export of goods of the creative group was very similar with the exception of one cluster. The greatest variability of export parts is observed in those groups of creative goods, the volumes of which are the largest (design, press, visual art), while groups of goods with a small share in the total volume of creative export of the EU (works of art, performing art), respectively and less are differentiated between clusters. It is established that specific nature of the profile of creative export of Ireland is the highest share of audio-visual products and a low share of design. Quite permanent was mix of the clusters “France-UK”, “Finland-Latvia-Slovenia”, at the same time Greece, Spain, Estonia and Luxembourg have become consolidation basis, remaining in the same cluster, when applying both statistical methods of clustering. Similarly, one cluster includes Italy, Malta, Lithuania, Romania and Portugal.