Journal de recherche en commerce international


Volume 21, Problème 6 (2022)

article de recherche

Exploratory model of perceived tourism in the COVID-19 era

  • Javier Carreon Guillen, Cruz Garcia Lirios, Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Elias Alexander Vallejo Montoya, Francisco Espinoza Morales, Victor Hugo Merino Cordoba, Carmen Ysabel Martinez de Merino, Luiz Vicente Ovalles Toledo, Clara Judith Brito Carrillo

article de recherche

Self-control networks against the confinement caused by COVID-19

  • Javier Carreon Guillen, Cruz Garcia Lirios, Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Elias Alexander Vallejo Montoya, Francisco Espinoza Morales, Victor Hugo Merino Cordoba, Carmen Ysabel Martinez de Merino, Luiz Vicente Ovalles Toledo, Clara Judith Brito Carrillo

article de recherche

Local development networks in the literature from 2019 to 2022

  • Javier Carreon Guillen, Cruz Garcia Lirios, Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Elias Alexander Vallejo Montoya, Francisco Espinoza Morales, Victor Hugo Merino Cordoba, Carmen Ysabel Martinez de Merino, Luiz Vicente Ovalles Toledo, Clara Judith Brito Carrillo

article de recherche

Strategic planning and its impact on achieving integration in job satisfaction for workers in hotels in northern Iraq

  • Ahmed Abdul Salam Ahmed, Mohammed Mahmoud Ahmed, Firas Emad Ali,