Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues


Volume 25, Problème 4 (2022)

article de recherche

Pragmatic Approach to Upholding the Rights and Protection of the Girl Child in Nigeria: Lessons from Other Jurisdictions

  • Rose Ohiama Ugbe, Shishitileugiang Aniashie Akpanke Patrick Chukwunonso Aloamaka, Pascal Bekongfe Aboh

article de recherche

An Assessment of Legal and Regulatory Implications of Practicing Sustainability Marketing in the Ghanaian Telecommunication Sector

  • Benjamin Baroson Angenu, Ibn Kailan Abdul-Hamid, Winston Aseidu Inkumsah

article de recherche

Curbing Unfair-Dismissal of Workers in Nigeria: What Lessons from Other Countries?

  • Andrew Ejovwo Abuza, Kingsley Omote Mrabure

article de recherche

Regulatory Effect of Performance Appraisal Reactions on Legal Employee Performance Mediated by Employee Engagement

  • Sophan Mahdiyana, Entang Adhi Muhtar, Ira Irawati, Candradewini

article de recherche

Critical Appraisal and Analysis of the Bahraini Aviation Law

  • Nashat Mahmoud Abdalla Jaradat