Journal de l'Académie de l'entrepreneuriat


Volume 28, Problème 2 (2022)

article de recherche

Enhancing Brand Equity Through Brand Management in Thailand's Exporting Businesses

  • Cattaleeya Charpavang and Satakoon Kaewmungkoon

article de recherche

Board Characteristics and its Impact On Dividend Payment

  • MACN. Shafana and Sithy Safeena M.G.H

article de recherche

Fintech in Investment Management for Modern Entrepreneurs

  • R.K Tailor and Sofia Khan

article de recherche

Enviromental Uncertainty and Firm's Strategic Change: The Moderating Role of Managerial Experience

  • Heni Agustina, Rizki Amalia Elfita, Rizqi Putri Nourma Budiarti, Yohan Kurniawan and Triyonowati