Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues



The Regulating Provisions of the Formation and Competencies of Sheikhs and Shura Councils in the Egyptian and Saudi Systems: A Comparative Study

Shady Mohamed Arafa Hegazy

This present research explores the legislative systems of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. We discuss in detail the formation and competencies of Egyptian Sheikhs and Saudi Shura Councils in Egyptian and Saudi systems. Egyptian Law combines election and nomination whereas, in the Saudi system, the selection of the Shura Council members is limited to nomination only. The method of selecting the president, deputies, and representatives for the two chambers are different. In the Egyptian Sheikhs Council, it is made by election among the members of the Council in the first session of the annual session. While in the Saudi Shura Council, the nomination is made by a royal decree. There is a difference between competences in interpreting laws as well. Saudi law gives the Shura Council the competence to interpret laws. But in the Egyptian system, the competence is not found similar to the Sheikhs Council to interpret laws.