Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal



The nexus between determinants of investment and firm performance moderated by economic policy uncertainty: Evidence from the energy sector of Pakistan

Abdul Quddus, Drahomira Pavelkova, Sarfraz Hussain, Tien Phat Pham, Francis Atiso

This study examines the nexus between determinants of investment and firm performance moderated by Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) with a sample of 43 chemical and pharmaceutical firms in Pakistan for 2013-2018. We are using two proxies of firm performance, such as Tobin’s Q and Return on Assets. We find that the effect of EPU on determinants of investment and firm performance is significant and negative to Tobin’s Q and positive and significant to ROA. To fix the endogeneity problem, the System-GMM estimate is used since unreported findings indicate heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. This article also provides policy implications for potential investors and policymakers.
