Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues



Staffing of Courts: European Experience and the Current Situation in Ukraine

Tetiana Kolomiets, Serhii Denysenko, Ihor Korzh, Nataliia Basai, Andrii Fomenko

The authors have investigated the current state of staffing of courts in Ukraine and the features of European experience in resolving this issue. Based on the analysis of the provisions of the European Charter on the statute for judges and Recommendation CM/Rec (2010) 12 on judges: independence, efficiency and responsibilities, general and distinctive features have been identified for regulating the staffing of courts, in particular, the issues of selecting judicial candidates, career growth, incentives, advanced training, and the like. The content of the norms of the current Ukrainian legislation, which regulates personnel issues in the formation of the judiciary, is disclosed. The essence of the judicial reform stipulated by the Strategy is determined sustainable development “Ukraine - 2020.” Particular attention is paid to the special training of judicial candidates in the formation of the judiciary in Ukraine, as well as the characterization of existing models of such training in European countries. The article defines a set of issues that have an important impact on quality indicators of staffing of courts.
