Revue internationale de l'entrepreneuriat



Remote Working in Terms of Covid 19

Mirjana Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana Stevanovic, Nataša Milojevic

A wide range of jobs in various industries can be done from home, including remote work. Namely, work from home, teleworking, remote office - it has several names, but no matter what you call it, it means working in an environment that is not the company's office, while ensuring that productivity does not suffer. It should be emphasized that the work must be done outside the employer's premises. The work is mostly done, but not necessarily in the house of the employee. Even companies that never thought a home-based business was possible had to make the change. Many CEOs and senior managers have changed their minds about remote working equally in a short time. They soon realized that their teams were just as productive from home as they were in the office outside, and some even more productive. Authors concluded that whether doing a job in a company or working for you, working from home can be a challenge whereas literature in this area can be extremely helpful.
