Journal de l'Académie internationale des études de cas



Promising Youth Support Structure: A Case of National Cadet Corps India

L.R.K. Krishnan

The National Cadet Corps (NCC) has its genesis in the University Corps, which was created under the Defence Act, 1917 with the object to make up the shortage of the Army under the British rule. The NCC came into existence on 16th July, 1948 under the NCC Act XXXVI of 1948 under the Ministry of Defence (MOD). NCC has a wonderful track record of serving the society when called for under various agencies during cyclones, floods, drought, epidemics and strike by government employees, for maintaining law and order etc. The NCC cadets also worked hand in hand with the Civil defence authorities and actively took part in rescue works and traffic control. During Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 & Bangladesh-Pakistani war of 1971, NCC cadets were the second line of defence; this study captures various contributions of the cadets and their service to society and nation building, a true reflection of character of the Indian youth.