Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues



Optimizing the Role of Civil Servant Investigator in Indonesian Law Enforcement

Shalih Mangara Sitompul, Lies Sulistiani, Mien Rukmini, Adrian E Rompis

Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS) have important role in Indonesian legal enforcement. Studies related Civil Servant Investigators have been carried out but not one of them is focusing into equality with other investigators. This study applied socio-legal research method in which focusing on legal concepts and legal realities to overcome issues related unequal position of Civil Servant Investigators. In the realm of legal concept, there is an unequal placement between police investigators and Civil Servant Investigators. Whereas at the level of reality, legal conditions which are increasingly complicated due to legal esotericism require the specifications of investigators who truly understand their fields. This diametrical condition requires reorientation so that the immunity and independence of investigators of the two institutions have the same legal protection.