Journal de l'Académie de gestion stratégique



Implementation of Young Entrepreneur Development Model for Coastal Community of Takalar Regency

Abdul Rahman Rahim, Ismail Rasulong, Edi Jusriadi, Faidul Adzim

This research paper was focused on analyzing the role of young entrepreneur to empower coastal community at Galesong District and North Galesong district. This research was conducted by analyze the special typology of coastal areas and the roles of key development actors, mapping potential business sectors within review and develop empowerment models. Some of research findings had shown that the distribution of economic resources that prospectus could be developed in the coastal region of Takalar Regency was quite diverse even though there was no maximum effort, while the potential areas of business that could be developed by young people in coastal area had focused on fishing. Here, there was no maximum effort to develop business activities on the scale of micro, small, or medium marine products. Furthermore, both the local and village government had given its role to empower community groups including young people, nevertheless, it was still less optimal. Finally, the model development for young entrepreneur’s empowerment had developed as an integrative framework by involving all the major actors.