Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues



Government Coexistence in the Implementation of Law Number 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright in Protecting Creator's Exclusive Rights Regarding Moral Rights and Economic Rights

Erniyanti, Mustamam, Nurasiah Harahap, Mukidi, Nelvitia Purba, Rudy Pramono

 Exclusive rights are rights owned by a creator when a work is born or created. These exclusive rights are related to moral rights and economic rights. The number of forms of violation of a work belonging to the creator is of course very detrimental to the creator. Legal protection as regulated in the Copyright Law is provided automatically without having to go through with registration. Related to the royalty agreement made between the author and publisher of the book as a form of protection by applying moral rights and economic rights in the clauses of agreement made. The research was conducted using empirical juridical methods. The results of the study conclude that protection of the exclusive rights of the creator can be done by means of preventive protection and also by repressive protection, this is done in order to provide a sense of security for a copyrighted work belonging to the creator.