Journal de l'Académie de l'entrepreneuriat



Discuss the Legal Inadequacies that Need to be Removed for Corporate Governance to Promote Profitable Business Start-Ups for People with Disabilities in Current Practice in Vietnam.

Ho Xuan Thang

Article 33 of the 2013 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam states: "Everyone has the right to freely conduct business in professions not prohibited by law". From the perspective of starting businesses in general and businesses of people with disabilities in particular, the right to freedom of business through activities such as business administration, participation in the market, and responsibility within the enterprise of the industry as well as before the law. All of these issues are governed by business and commercial laws and other relevant legal documents. This article focuses on analyzing the inadequacies in the provisions of the corporate law related to corporate governance issues for people with disabilities to participate in the market to increase economic benefits. From there, propose amendments and supplements to promote their effective business start-up in the business community in Vietnam.