Journal de l'Académie de l'entrepreneuriat



Combined Effect of Green Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Maturity on Knowledge Performance analytical Study of opinions of a Sample of Employees of Public Company for Telecommunications and Informatics-Diwaniyah Branch

Sanaa J. Kadhim, KhariyaAbed fadel, Asmaa Abdul Wahid Malik

The goal of the present study is to highlight maturity of knowledge management in its dimensions (workers, processes, technology, skills) and the importance of green intellectual capital in its aspects (green human capital, green structural capital and green relational capital) in knowledge performance. Current studying attempted to answer a set of questions that embodiedstudying problem, perhapsmost important of which is its dimensions affectingperformance of knowledge, green intellectual capital ormaturity of knowledge management inGeneral Company for Telecommunications and Informatics, Diwaniyah branch, To achievegoal ofstudying, two main hypotheses were formulated, from which several sub-hypotheses were branched out, usingdescriptive analytical approach, By using SPSS vr.24 software, AMOS vr 24, AndEXCEL program,need to consolidatejoint effect between green intellectual capital and maturity of knowledge management in order to ensurecontinuity of improving knowledge management instudying company.
