Journal de recherche en commerce international



Big Data in Business Research: A Review of a Decade of Research

Prakash Kumar Yadav

Big Data is a term that is commonly used to describe a variety of concepts, ranging from the collection and aggregation of massive amounts of data to a plethora of advanced digital techniques designed to reveal patterns related to human behaviour. Despite its widespread usage, the term remains conceptually ambiguous. The point of the study is to observe the understanding of the concept of Big Data from the perspectives of researchers in the fields of Business Research in order to determine whether researchers believe currently existing definitions are adequate and to investigate whether a standard discipline-centric definition is possible. While several qualitative reviews have been conducted, there is still a lack of a quantitative and systematic review of big data in business research. Furthermore, based on our findings, we propose several promising directions for future research. As a result, we provide scholars with a systematic understanding of the evolution and long-term roadmap of big data research in business.
